Standard recovery investigation for legal bodies

  • Standard recovery investigation for legal bodies

    This investigation consists out of the following:

    Company & Address information, including:
       1.   Registered name
       2.   Chamber of Commerce registration
       3.   Legal form
       4.   Street and house number
       5.   Postal code and city
       6.   Phone number
       7.   Registered capital
       8.   Issued and paid capital
       9.   Objective
    10.   Director - Shareholder

    Cadastral assessment, including:
       1.   Cadaster (Netherlands)
       2.   Commercial beneficiary
       3.   Other information

    Financial relations investigation by detective, including:
       1.   Research into owned bank accounts

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Active CSI accredited by

Active CSI: Accredited by the min. of Justice under number PEB 1188.

Registered with CBP under notification number M1402140.